
Things That I Hear

Created by Avner Geller

A satirical art-book of painfully relatable illustrations of modern life.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last stretch!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 08:54:21 AM

Hey there! 

What a whirlwind this past month has been! From the weeks of preperation, to getting funded within a few days, I could not be happier with how this campaign went, and it's all thanks to you guys! 

Also in case you missed it - I wanted to highlight that we've reached (passed!) the 20k stretchgoal, and everyone who donated or planning on donating at the $45 tier and above will recieve a new travel sketchbook I am making (you can see it on the campain page) in addition to the Things That I Hear book!

As we are entering the last 4 days of the camaign I wanted to reach out and ask for your help to share this project one last time, help spread the word about the book and finish strong!! A lot could happen in a few days, so whether you'd like to share it with your kickstarter netwrork, on facebook, twitter, instagram etc, everything helps :)

Adding the link here and an image you could use for your convince: 

I am a few pages away from finishing all the art for the book and I can't wait for you all to see it!

Once again, THANK YOU so much for being part of this project, I am truly greatful for your support.

Stay tuned for more updates as I move forward with the production.

Have a great weekend y'all,


20K Stretch goal reached!!!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 03:25:26 AM

Hey Everyone!

I’m thrilled to announce we’ve reached the 20K stretch goal! Now I’ll be able to print my first travel sketchbook. As I mentioned earlier the sketchbook will be included with tiers $45 and up so if you’ve already backed at this level, congrats! Expect to get it with the book once I ship it.

As we are two weeks away from the end of the campaign, I’d love your help sharing it with your friends and networks and help spread the word :)

Once again I’m so thankful to all of you who’ve pledged so far! I can’t wait to send the book to the printers!

over 5 years ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 01:55:09 AM

Hey there! 

First and foremost I'd like to thank you all for pledging to my book!! We've reach the funding goal in only few days, and I am so  happy that I'll  be able to make this book and get it to you! 

And now for the fun update!

Scroll down the campaign page and you'll see I've added a new 20k stretch goal.  If we reach this goal I'll be able to print a 32 page Travel Sketchbook - a collection of travel sketches done on location during my travels. Sketching outside is huge source of inspiration to me, both for getting new quotes, ideas, studying characters, architecture and of course practicing drawing.  This brand new sketchbook (vol. 1) includes sketches from all over Italy, so be sure to find some fashionable folks and plenty of espresso drinkers inside!  it's a chance to see the rougher unpolished work I do before making the detailed illustrations you can find in "Things That I Hear".

Here's the good news - If we reach this stretch goal this reward will be included with tiers $45 and up!   

Once again, Thank you so much for being part of this project! with a few weeks left I believe we can make this new goal!  So keep spreading the word and lets make this happen :) 



What a great start!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 08:15:15 AM

I woke up this morning to see that the project is almost 60% funded, after only one day!

I seriously can't thank all of you enough for your support!!  There's still a way to go but I now truly believe we can make this happen!  I'll post more updates closer to the end of the first week. 

Again, thank you for being part of this project, and please keep sharing it with your friends and social circles, I truly appreciate it. 

Have a great day, 


over 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 09:40:27 PM

What a way to start the week!!!  I couldn't be happier waking up this morning to see that we've reached the goal! And in only 5 days! This is all becoming real now, and I'm so excited that I'll be able to share this book with you.  Thank you so much to all of you who pledged and shared! 

In the next couple of days I'll be revealing some fun stretch goals, so keep your eyes open :)  

Again, a huge thanks to all of you who participated so far!!!  
